We have many areas of need at Carroll and there are many ways you can contribute to the university. Contributions directly impact our Carroll students' learning toward discovery, growth and knowledge.
By making an unrestricted gift to support the operating budget of the university, the Carroll Fund helps to bridge the gap between the actual cost of a Carroll education and what students pay to attend. There are several ways to make a gift to the Carroll Fund. Find out how on our Ways to Give page.
More than 98 percent of Carroll students receive scholarship assistance, which helps them find a balance between studies, work and extra-curricular activities. Scholarships play a key role in maintaining Carroll's affordability for all students. For more information or to establish an endowed scholarship, please contact James Rychner, assistant vice president for development at JRychner@zsdzi1.com or 262.524.7240.
Annual gifts in support of scholarships help make a Carroll education affordable for all students. Gifts of any size are applied in full to help fund educational opportunities.
A minimum gift or pledge of $25,000 will establish a permanently endowed scholarship fund at Carroll University. This fund will live on in perpetuity, and annual earnings will be available for student scholarships.
President Cindy Gnadinger has created the Opportunity Scholarship Fund to provide support for those students from diverse backgrounds which are traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
You can choose to support any program or initiative you feel a connection to or are passionate about at Carroll. A few additional areas that impact the student experience include:
Endowed funds provide a permanent and reliable source of annual income to support students, faculty, programs and departments.
The Champions4Life Fund supports the success of student athletes by providing funding for special initiatives not supported with operating dollars.
During the difficult and uncertain public health threat posed by COVID-19, many of our students will experience financial hardships. Today we are asking alumni and friends to support our students with a gift to the Carroll Student Emergency Fund.
Support innovative programming, services and outreach that empower and advance the health, wellbeing, and function of our diverse communities, while preparing a collaborative healthcare workforce for the future.
For additional information: Please call James J. Rychner, Assistant Vice President for Development, 262.524.7240. Note: The information on this website is not intended as legal advice. For advice and assistance in specific situations, please obtain the services of a professional adviser.